
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 11:16 PM | 2 comments

01/2015 sees 17 and 3 and probably some other numbers.

Kyle and I celebrated our 17th year of marriage this year! How can you tell it was 17 years?  He played with Logan so I could tear down this horrible wallpaper in our guest bath. I'm pretty sure that is how all 17-year anniversaries go. Yes, a man who understands his woman. We had hopes to do something a little more romantic this year, but so far we have not been able to set anything into motion. Perhaps we will have to wait for year 20. In the meantime, I now have a bathroom that is still mid-wall repaired, but at least it no longer looks like a ticker tape parade went through it.

The best little helper.
Logan started a new school in January (Yay for mom!). It was a Montessori school, and we had high hopes, but it just didn't fit him. There was not enough socialization and activity for our little man, so he ended up going to school here for only 2 months.

On January 8th Logan turned 3 years old. After school on his birthday, we headed to the store to seek out the perfect birthday balloon and then headed home for some fun. His bowling party, to be held in Albuquerque, kept getting postponed. We finally held it in March, but what a bummer for a little man to continually have to wait for his party. He ended up getting 3 cakes out of it though.

That Cars balloon was around for a long time.

He did have to work for his birthday cupcakes.

Then he chose his afternoon entertainment: watching mom bomb at Mario Wii U.

I'm busy.

Just kidding... I can smile.

A few gifts to finish off the day.

January saw us try to bring a "Space" theme into our home. This was our attempt at a shuttle.

Of course we had to play some Cooties too! This was the first time Logan played with a die.



  1. I've never played Cooties...what's it like? Congrats on 17! :)

    1. It's simple, but competitive. You roll a die. You have to roll a 1 or 2 first to get a head or body. Then as you roll more you get to add body parts to your head or body. The first to have a complete cootie body wins. He likes the game and enjoys playing with the cooties in pretend play afterwards. I would say that as a family we enjoy Busytown more and it is cooperative.
