
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 9:17 AM | 3 comments

Logan's movie debut

Time is flying by and Logan is changing every day. Here is a video I put together that covers the start of our journey. I hope you like it as much as we do.

Note on the last segment of the video:
Logan learned to roll from stomach to back on Apr 21st.

Now for some images from February.

Bundled up for a ride in his stroller.

Two cuddling together.
Well, perhaps there were three of us.
I must learn to count... obviously there were four of us.
Frik wants her share of attention.



  1. Thank you for sharing that! He's soooo cute. I never thought of recording the tummy morphing, and now I wish I had. There is no other experience in the world that compares.

  2. Just precious! Such a cutie pie as the star, a very well done movie!

  3. He's so sweet! It's amazing how fast they grow!
