
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 12:14 AM | No comments

Special surprises fill the middle of April

In April we heard that one of the local elementary schools was hosting a carnival. Logan and I ventured out for a late night and discovered just how much fun a carnival can be. In fact, he has been talking about it ever since. Lucky for us, apparently most of the elementary schools in town host a carnival during the year. In fact, Logan's school is hosting their own carnival this coming weekend.

Frog Toss

Biggest hug ever!

Digging for treasure.

Stomp rockets.

Cake walk

Even if you don't win a cake, you get a cupcake.

Who doesn't love fishing?

Waiting for a balloon animal.

Still waiting, but in the end we got a balloon sword.

We also had a quick, but wonderful visit from Aunt Deneen and Grandma Betty. Logan sure does love these two ladies.

He had just started pushing people on swings.

A few tiny snow piles led to a snowball fight and lots of laughter. Logan and Aunt Deneen vs Dad.

One last picture for tonight. I had told Logan we wouldn't have time for a bath one evening. He disappeared to go paint in his room and came back like this. You can probably guess that we had a bath that night.


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