
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 9:37 PM | No comments

Catching up... here is August

August was perhaps our busiest month. We had three sets of visitors, and I was sick for 16 days too.

Our first special guest was Grandpa Jay. We showed him all of our favorite things: pail and shovel, water table, car, slide. You name it; we showed it to him.

One of Logan's favorite outside games:  Push the car up the hill, push it down and yell "Yay!" with arms raised in victory.

At this point the swing set was not finished, but the slide still made a great car ramp.

Grandpa Jay's visit was also perfectly timed. I was able to put that extra set of hands to good use helping me put some of the swing set together.

Our second visitors were my nieces from Seattle. We managed to spend a few afternoons together and go to a zoo concert one evening.
Checking out the Celtic band.
Checking out the giraffes.

Feeding the ducks.

We were lucky enough to divide our annual photo shoot between Grandpa Jay and our Seattle Family. I think they turned out great. Thanks so much to Olive Bee Photography.

Right after my nieces left, my step-sister Leah, her husband Tom, and my nephew Calder came from New Jersey for a visit. Calder is super special to Logan. He even taught Logan to say "AMAZING" with gusto. Sadly, I got started to get sick during their visit.

Some pool time at the casino.
My beautiful Aunts.
Here are some other random pictures from the month.

Stacking cereal on raw spaghetti.
Logan loves running around the house, and it is better when followed by ducks...
...or Legos.

Doesn't sleep much, but oh so cute when he does sleep.

Loves pasta! He is a very good eater.

Happy to say that he still loves reading.  One of his favorites: "Have you seen my Potty?"

We also frequently read "The little engine that could".

Checking out his new swing set's driving wheel.

New stuff in August:
- Started saying "Achoo" for fun (i.e., the sneezing sound)
- "Amazing!"
- We spend Monday mornings following our blue garbage truck around the neighborhood. Logan started saying "See blue (or yellow) truck on Monday."  and  "Yellow truck too fast to catch."

- Logan got his first little potty on 8/5
- Peed in his potty for first time on 8/7
- Often he needs to be taken to the potty to try to pee, but sometimes he will tell someone that he needs to go.



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