
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 11:23 PM | 1 comment

June - Part 1

I had a wonderful evening out of dining and dancing at the bachelorette party for my friend Reyna. It was such a blast. I did go home in between dinner and dancing to feed Logan, but I was out the rest of the night kicking up my heels.

The next party gave us the opportunity to pass Logan around among my 2nd childhood family: Moriarty teachers whom I grew up with.

At the beginning of June, Logan was constantly using his Boppy Pillow to help him sit up.

For about a month, Logan and I took 3 walks a day. We would go to the park and watch the cars go by. Sadly, it got too hot to continue our walks, but I am sure they will resume when things cool off.

I had to take a capture of my computer screen showing Venus crossing in front of the sun on June 5th. I wonder if Logan will live to be 100 to see it again. 

Often our evening walk was a family event. This time I took the opportunity to practice my photography skills during our park stop.

On June 7th, Frik would no longer let Logan scare her away from time with Kyle. Even though Logan was there first, Frik walked right up for some cuddle time. As you will see, Logan was thrilled to finally get to touch Frik on his own.

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