
Posted by Julie Wiens Posted on 10:57 AM | No comments

Happy Birthday Leah

On October 27th, I drove down to Ridgewood, NJ. My step-sister, Leah, and her family live there. My Mom and Keith had just spent the week with Leah and were going to come home with me. Happily, the 27th was Leah's birthday, so I got to join in on the festivities.
Calder, Leah and Dagny
Celebrating her 21st Birthday, again. (Great photo Keith!)
After dinner, Leah, Mom and I went to watch my niece, Dagny, at her ballroom dance lesson. I was thrilled to see that someone else in the family was into ballroom. For those of you who don't know, Kyle and I spent the beginning of our relationship taking ballroom classes together. There is nothing more romantic than dancing with someone you love.
Dagny is an awesome dancer. Look out college boys.


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